Hello all you lovely people out there!
What a busy time we have been having, here in Shetland, to be sure; three lots of heavyish snow, children coming home for the holidays and going again; Tom and Natalie engaged!! and Lizzie off on her travels with the Learning School ( isn't that tautology?)
Anyway, this month she is in fabulous New Jersey and off to see the sights today, I know this because she just called me. It is so different from my day when one could just drop off the radar for months on end (yes, I was a bad lass) well, thank goodness, these days we have emails, mobiles, Facebook, cheap transatlantic calls and blogs so I pretty much know what my kids are up to whenever I choose to look and they can keep tabs on me.
So,what have I been up to today? Oh, just the usual stuff, you know, silage related things, in one end and out the other
...aaand taking delivery of my fabulous new stove!! and isn't she just beautiful? she should be, I can tell you! Yes, I'm all of a flutter. should be able to manage a dozen loaves at once! have to get a bigger freezer! ttfn x
that looks amazing...now i want a wok ring...damn