OK so I'm in week four of The Artist's Way. by Julia Cameron, unblocking my cree -A-T-V-T and this week I have to give up reading!!! It's supposed to be for seven days, but having only just read that far in the book it will have to be four...ish. I've not read for about three hours. It's so hard not checking emails or peeping at facebook every five mins and then there are the usual book stops: eating, peeing, coffee, tea 15 t.p.d., when I'm bored , when I'm tired etc etc. It's as bad as giving up smoking, no really!
You sometimes come across those who proudly tell you that they
never read a book; I now realise that these people must have the most amazing inner lives and be hugely creative. My lip will never curl again.
It will be interesting to see how my creativity blossoms over the coming week, Ms Cameron has not let me down so far, this might just be amazing.
well ok maybe just one last email...
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