This is a sample made from hemp and nettle fibre that I've had for nearly two years. I originally bought the stuff when I was thinking of writing my dissertation on alternative fibres (but didn't) and it has been at the back a cupboard, and also my mind, since.
The spur to finally weave it up came from reading an entry on http://davidtaylardaniels.com/blog a couple of months ago. I was delighted when David posted about weaving a scarf from hemp yarn; he explained in detail how problematic the process was but the resulting scarf was beautiful. So that was the incentive I needed; I bought a nice little Ashford table-top from Sheila Dixon at shiela@handspinner.co.uk
I haven't woven for two years and it soon became clear that I'd pretty much forgotten everything I'd learnt at college. However, once on the loom again I found that I knew just enough to realise that things were going horribly horribly wrong, also this stuff is really awkward to work with, it feel strong but abrades quite badly being so slubby. I suspect that the stuff David Daniels used might have been of better quality.
So anyway, I've been working with it for the last three or four days and then last night I just took me sheares and just cut off the warp and I'm now threading up for the third time.
However, I really am learning by these mistakes and I feel quite optimistic today and won't give up.
This bit looks like an old tattie sack doesn't it? Will let you see the rest by the weekend with luck.